Veterinary Thermography & Nutrition
Making your pet's health visible
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Thermal imaging for your pet
​I really wanted to dedicate one webpage on my site to animal health and how medical
thermal imaging could really make a difference in getting a diagnosis from your vet.
Since it is non-radiation and non-invasive, your pet does not need to be anesthetised
to obtain the images, so it is a low stress level event for the animal and you.
We all love our little (or big) companions and we want to give them as healthy and
happy a life as possible. When they feel unwell, they often do not show many signs,
they may go quiet or depressed, they might pant every now and then, they may or
may not go off their food, but as the owner, you know something is not quite right.
From horse owners I hear often that they can feel it when they ride their horse, that somehow their gait is not feeling right to them.
Or that a behaviour has changed and the horse rears when touching its ears or neck, or you reaches around to bite when you want to put the saddle on.
Veterinary thermal imaging shows and maps the skin surface temperature and gives us an objective view of the subjective feeling of pain. Physiological changes (changes in how the body is functioning) occurs in the animal in response to underlying anatomical disruption and can be visualised at that moment in time, but even before the injury occurs due to stress in the tissues, which is reflected as an over-function (hyperthermia) in cases of inflammation or excess vascularity, or under-function (hypothermia) as in nerve damage.
As in humans, in healthy animals there is symmetry between left and right body skin temperatures. Anything that deviates from this is worth investigating further.
In some cases a medical scan like X-ray or MRI does not find any mechanical problems, but when looking on a thermogram, we may see areas of soft tissue injury, inflammation, nerve damage or circulation problems. This information is then helpful to the vet or animal practitioner, like osteopath or acupuncturist.
Another beautiful thing about thermal imaging is, is that the images can be sent immediately to the practitioner of your pet for further diagnosis. This means the images can be with your vet for your appointment and of course, you will have copies as well for you to keep.

BARF - Carnivore Diet for Dog & Cat

Have you looked lately in the mouth of your dog or cat? If you did, what did you see?
I am sure you saw some really sharp pointy teeth and you know, that you have to be
careful with their mouths, when approaching a strange dog or when you need to get a
tablet down your cat's throat. Yes, your animal food based pets have very sharp teeth
for a very good reason: they are CARNIVORES.
So why then do we feed our CARNIVORE friends a diet suitable to a HERBIVORE?
You would not dream to give your horse a lovely big bucket of meat, but we seem totally ok about feeding our obligate carnivores a diet of wheat, maize, soya, rice, sugar, sugar beet pulp, sawdust (its used as a filler), herbs, sunflower oil and a bunch of chemicals? It is stuff our dogs (wolf) and cats (lion) would never eat if they had to survive in the wild. The only reason why these products are made, is that it is another way for the food industry to charge mega-bucks for waste ingredients. They just dress the rubbish up in nice looking bags and sell them to us in funny animal commercials.
If you have ever been to a zoo and have watched the lions being fed, or polar bears or even penguins, I bet you there was not a bag of kibble in sight. Zoological nutritionists know so well, that if you do not feed a species their appropriate diet, they fail to thrive, reproduce and more than likely die. So why are our pets any different? Because we find it convenient to feed them this way and trust what we buy is the right thing for them.
Please have a look at the ingredients of your pet food next time you go to fill up their bowls and I bet it consists mainly of cereals, meat by-products (scrapings of the ground?) and a nice selection of preservatives.
The acidity of the dog and cat is around 3.5 pH, which is pretty acidic (humans are 1.5 pH!) and extremely well adapted to digesting meat and bones. The length of their gut is short: they have no capacity to digest plants or fibre.
What I am trying to say is, you cannot expect your pet to be healthy if you do not feed it what nature intended fro them to eat!
By the way, this also applies to you as species human, human the carnivore.
However, there is hope and you can start it right now and today. By changing over to a more appropriate diet for your pet, you will see many benefits:
Less food waste
Less poo and less smelly poo
Healthy teeth and mouth
Healthy gut (farting is a sign of fermentation which is due to carbs in their diet)
Happier dog, because now it has to do a lot of chewing and feels more satisfied after eating
Less hunger and better weight control
It is more economical, food-wise but also vet-wise, your pet will be far less suffering our human diseases
By feeding raw you will give your pet a chance to avoid diabetes, arthritis, gut twisting, diarrhoea and vomiting, heart disease and cancer.
If you would like to know more and change your pet's diet over to a raw one and you would like some guidance to start with, please contact me. A 1 hour session can mean the difference between years of treatment or a living a dog/cat worthy life.
Veterinary Thermography £35 - 30 minutes (small animals)​
Dog & Cat Nutrition Session £50 - 1 hour