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Janet van Dam

Certified Clinical Thermography Technician 
Nutritional Educator - Dip. CIVAS Holistic Nutrition
Classical Homeopath - LCH (London College of Homeopathy)
Bach Flower Remedies - Reflexologist - MAR - Reiki II - Dip. Reiki

Born In Gouda, The Netherlands in 1962.


As long as I can remember I have had a great interest in anything medical. This was because I had to spend a long time in hospital as a child, so I did some of my growing up in this environment and it stimulated my interest in disease and, of course, health.

I discovered that my passion in life was helping others to achieve optimal health through natural means.                                                                   

I studied 1 year of Natural Medicine and 2 years of Classical Homeopathy in Meppel, The Netherlands, between 1988 and 1990. Besides Homeopathy I was educated in Bach Flower Remedies, fasting and intuitive massage amongst others.


In 1990 I moved from Holland to the small village of Lavenham in Suffolk, UK, and in 1994 I first qualified as a Reflexologist and in 1998 I graduated as a Classical Homeopath at the London College of Homeopathy.

I had a practice from home from 1998.

In 2004 I moved to Spain.


​In 2010 I trained as a Clinical Thermographer. I had become interested in finding a non-invasive breast health check, because my mother had died of breast cancer age 51 and my little sister found her own tumours when she was only 28. In my mother's case the mammogram had totally missed her tumour. For her it was all too late, but my sister is luckily now very well.


I wanted to have a breast health check, but not a mammogram, so I managed to find a thermography clinic in the Netherlands and had my first thermal screening in 2009. I did not wish to receive a mammogram for reasons of unnecessary exposure to radiation and having the knowledge that mammography cannot see well through dense breast tissue in pre-menopausal women. I was very impressed with this service, so I decided I would like to set up my own clinic which offers breast and body screenings to help identify (breast) disease early.


In more recent years I have come to realise the immense importance of nutrition in health. With a good working digestive system you can resolve many common (Western) health problems. In my early teens, it was my mother who gave me the interest in healthy nutrition. She taught me that we have a choice in what we put into our bodies. This I have never forgotten and I make use of this free, informed choice each and every day when I buy my groceries.


In 2008 I completed a nutritional course (CIVAS) and in 2010 I took a coaching course with Metabolic Balance, which gave me a firm basis to carry on with self-study to extend my knowledge further and start to coach others, who want to make a positive and permanent change to their health.


I am especially interested in species-appropriate nutrition and educating people about this in a fun and easy way.

I am particularly interested in improving metabolic health, reversing the symptoms of Diabetes Type II through nutrition and women’s health, especially those women going through the menopause, because this is a difficult and a slightly more dangerous time health-wise, because of the changes in our hormones.


My practice offers Medical Thermography, Low Carb Nutritional Coaching and Classical Homeopathy, hoping to bring a holistic service that integrates state of the art screening technology and simple, straight forward, effective health advice, helping to increase your well being, controlling or reversing Diabetes and preventing breast disease by detecting changes in the breasts early and by regulating the hormones through diet.

Copyright 2024 East Anglia Thermography Clinic

Everything on this website is written for your information only. Therefore the information provided on these pages is not meant as medical advice in any way. Medical Thermography is not a replacement for mammography or ultrasound, but a non-diagnostic adjunctive test. It can help your practitioner treat you more accurately with the additional information clinical thermography can provide.  This product(s) is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Although I am a holistic practitioner, I cannot be responsible for your health. When in doubt, always seek advice from a

medically trained professional.​


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