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Breast Thermography

Non-Invasive, Easy, Quick, Reliable​

Medical Thermography offers women of all ages the opportunity to have a first line breast health check with a difference.

Breast Thermography is especially interested in finding subtle changes in the breast temperatures, which helps us build a picture over time of your breast health. Temperature changes may be due to changes in hormones, inflammation or an early pointer that something is going on.

Your first breast screening consists of 2 screenings. This initial breast screening is done in 2 parts, because in this way a stable baseline can be established. Each woman's breasts anatomy are different, like a finger print and it is important to know what is normal for you to be able to make a proper assessment.

The second part of the screening is done approx. 3 to 4 months after the first screening. Comparing the first screening with the second after this time will give a good stable record of your breast health for future thermal referrence.

Thermography does not only  tries to identify a change in blood supply around the breasts / chest /armpits and upper back, it also visualises all types of breast health issues, like inflammations, hormonal and fibrocystic activity (lumpy breasts), the latter being the most common complaint in women.

The appointment for the first screening takes 1 hour. The follow up screening only takes approx. 30 minutes. The actual screening itself takes about 5 minutes, the rest of the time is for the case-taking and the acclamatising of the body to the room, so it is optimally prepared for the screening.

Because the images are immediately visible on the computer screen, we can have a look at them together before the end of the appointment and gives you an opportunity to ask questions.

Your medical information and images are sent off by email to a professional medical interpretation service, where qualified medical doctors, trained in thermology, will analyse all the data. Once returned to me, I then send it to you with some further explanations and you can keep your information for any future reference.

If the thermographic results raise any concerns, an additional screening test may be advised like an ultrasound or mammogram, to clarify what the condition is likely to be. A biopsy could be ordered to rule out malignancy. ​

Solely on the basis of a mammogram or thermogram, no diagnosis can be made. It is the combination of thermography with other procedures which contributes to a more accurate diagnosis and the early, concise treatment in case of disease.

The value of thermography as a screening tool is the non-invasive nature of the test and the unique ability to accurately measure skin temperature changes. As such, it detects even the most subtle thermal changes that, although not independently diagnostic, may precede anatomical findings by years and prompt early investigation and prevention. As there is no single known test capable of monitoring all complex disease symptoms, it is advisable to monitor with additional testing such as ultrasound, MRI, mammography or other testing as recommended by the patient’s personal.

A negative thermogram  does not rule disease. Non are diagnostic, a biopsy is.

Medical Thermography has however proven itself as a safe early-risk marker for breast disease​ and is an excellent method for monitoring treatment results. ​By starting a monitoring routine early -  especially in the group of younger women who are not yet offered conventional mammography - you can accurately monitor this group for breast disease.

Body Thermography

General Health Screening and Pain Detection

Thermography is not only important in the detection of breast disease, but also is an unmissable tool in pain detection. 

Thermography has been extensively used in the horse racing industry for many years to help determine if a horse is fit to race after an injury. Fortunately for the owner, DITI can clearly show what the progress of healing is, so that the right decision can be made regarding its treatment.

Over thirty years of clinical use and more than 8,000 peer-reviewed studies in the medical literature have established thermography as a safe and effective research tool with means to examine the human body (1-10). It is completely non-invasive, and as such, does not require the use of radiation or other potentially harmful elements.

In humans it can detect areas of inflammation and infections, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia or fever; slow healing after surgery; soft tissue injuries; nerve damage (RDS, Bell's Palsy); deep varicose veins; frozen shoulder; numbness and tingling in hands and feet; diabetic ulcers of the feet and legs.

Medical research has shown thermography to be helpful in the diagnosis of (14-33):

  • Breast Cancer

  • Skin Cancer

  • Nervous System Disorders

  • Metabolic Disorders, including Diabetes and Inflammation

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries

  • Headaches, Neck and Back Problems

  • TMJ Conditions

  • Pain Syndromes

  • Arthritis

  • Vascular Disorders

  • Soft Tissue Injuries among others

In some cases, thermography findings are the first observations of a problem in th emaking before symptoms occur. An example is the detection of diabetic foot ulcers before they have come to the surface.

With others, thermography may reveal the true cause of their symptoms, so that more effective treatment can be administered. However, it should be noted that thermography does not, in any way suggest a diagnosis and/or treatment.

The appointment for a half body takes around 1 hour and for a full body 1 hour and 30 minutes, of which only about 10 - 20 minutes is needed for the actual screening itself. The rest of the time is for the case-taking and for the body to acclimatise to the room temperature, so it is optimally prepared for the screening.


October 2013 - February 2016

  1. Hobbins, W. Thermography and Pain. Biomedical Thermology, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York. 1982:361-375.

  2. Uematsu S. Thermographic Imaging of Cutaneous Sensory Segment in Patients with Peripheral Nerve Injury – Skin Temperature Stability Between Sides of the Body. J Neurosurg 1985;62:716-720.

  3. Hubbard, J., Hoyt, C. Pain Evaluation in 805 Studies by Infrared Imaging. Thermology 1986;1:161-166.

  4. Joint Council of State Neurosurgical Societies of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Council Report – Neurosurgical Clinical Procedure Review of Thermography. Original Report 1988.

  5. Feldman, F., Nickoloff, E. Normal Thermographic Standards in the Cervical Spine and Upper Extremities. Skeletal Radiol 1984;12:235-249.

  6. AMA Council on Scientific Affairs. Thermography in neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. Thermology 1987;2:600-607.

  7. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Subcommittee on Assessment of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities, December 1990.

  8. American Chiropractic College of Thermology and ACA Council on Diagnostic Imaging, ratified by ACA House of Delegates. Policy statement on thermography, 1988.

  9. Abernathy M, Nichols R, Robinson C, Brandt M. Noninvasive testing for carotid stenosis: Thermography’s place in the diagnostic profile. Thermology 1985;1:61-66.

  10. Academy of Neuromuscular Thermography, Standards for neuromuscular thermography. Clin Thermography 1989 (Aug).

  11. Feldman F, Nickoloff EL. Normal thermographic standards for the cervical spine and upper extremities. Skeletal Radiol 1984;12:235-249.

  12. Uematsu S, Edwin DH, JankeI WR, Kozikowski J, Trattner M. Quantification of thermal asymmetry: Part 1. Normal values and reproducibility. J Neurosurg 1988;69:552-555.

  13. Uematsu S, Jankel WR, Edwin DH, Kim DM. Quantification of thermal asymmetry: Part 2. Application in low back pain and sciatica. J Neurosurg 1988:69:556-561.

  14. Chafitz N, Wexler CE, Kaiser JA. Neuromuscular thermography of the lumbar spine with CT correlation. Radiology 185 ;157-178.

  15. Ching C, Wexler CE. Peripheral thermographic manifestations of lumbar disc disease. Applied Radiology 1978;100:53-58.

  16. Conwell TD. Thermography in diagnosing myofascial pain syndromes and localizing trigger points. DC Tracts 1990;2(4):207-220.

  17. Dali TF, Abernathy M, Luessenhop AJ, Stotsky G. Electronic thermography in the diagnosis of lumbosacral radiculopathy. Proc Cong Neurol Surg, Oct 1983.

  18. Devereaux MD, Parr GR, Lachmann SM, et al. Thermographic diagnosis in athletes with patellofemoral arthralgia. J Bone Joint Surg 1986;68:42-44.

  19. Diakow PRP. Thermographic imaging of myofascial trigger points. JMPT 1988; 11(2):114-117.

  20. Drummond PD, Lance JW. Thermographic changes in cluster headaches. Neurology 1984;34: 1292-1298.

  21. Hendler N, Uematsu S, Long D. Thermographic validation of physical complaints in psychogenic pain patients. Psychosomatics 1982:23.

  22. Herrich RT. Thermography as a diagnostic tool for carpal tunnel syndrome. 13th Annual Meeting American Academy Thermology, Washington DC, June 1984.

  23. Hobbins WB. Thermography in sports medicine. In: Appenzeller O, ed. Sports Medicine, ed 3, Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1988:395-403.

  24. Hodge SD, ed. Thermography and personal injury litigation. New York: Wiley, 1987.

  25. Weinstein SA, Weinstein G. The validation of TMJ dysfunction with standardized computerized electronic thermography. Modern Med, special supplement. Academy of Neuromuscular Thermography, Clinical Proceedings, Orlando, FL,1986:35-40.

  26. Weinstein SA, Weinstein G. A clinical comparison of cervical thermography with EMG, CT scanning, myelography and surgical procedures in 500 patients. Academy of Neuromuscular Thermography, 1st Annual Meeting, May 1985. Post grad Med, special ed, 1986:44-46.

  27. Sioni, I. H.: Thermography in Suspected Deep Venous Thrombosis of Lower Leg. Europ J. Radiol., May 1985; pp. 281-284.

  28. Andersons: Thermography and Plethysmography in the Diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis. A comparison with Phlebography. ACTA Med. Scand., 1986; pp. 219, 359-366.

  29. Ecker, A.: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Thermography in Diagnosis. Psychiatric Annals, 14(11), pp. 787-793, 1984.

  30. Swerdlow, B., Dieter, J. N.: ”The Persistent Migraine Cold Patch and the Fixed Facial Thermogram,” Thermology, 1986; 2: 1620.

  31. Wood, E. H.: Thermography in the Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Disease. Radiology, 1965; 85: pp. 270-283.

  32. Lance, J. W., Anthony, M.: Thermographic Studies in Vascular Headache. Med J., Aug., 1971; pp. 240-243.

  33. Swerdlow, B., Dieter, J.: The Validity of the Vascular “Cold Patch” in the Diagnosis of Chronic Headache. Headache, 1986; 26: pp. 22-26.

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